
Monday, February 20, 2012

52 weeks to Simplify your life - Inspiration Boards

Our challenge this week at Home Life Simplified  was to create a inspiration board. Ideally this is not how I would do this - I love the idea of getting my hands into it and cut thing and pasting, painting and all that creating goodness.  BUT - I am sticking to my plan of get one thing done then move to the next and right now I am in the process of redoin the momcave (craft room). So crafting is at a halt till I get the painting done and things put back in place. I was very tempted to just get some things out to craft - as I am going through serious craft withdrawal symptoms - but non the less  I am sticking to the task - Painting!
I did however manage to create a inspiration board online at  Big Huge Labs Mosic Maker. A wonderful site that lets you choose pics online and then arranges them - Of course my inspiration came from Pinterest - of which I have a serious addiction too. So in essence that also is my inspiration board. Here is my digital creation:

I love this - I can see where this will keep me on track - and bring it more into a conscious level - I am excited to use my digital creation as my screen saver so that I have a constant nudge throughout each day.
Bring on the nudging!!

*images from a variety of sources on Pinterest

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Long Term Goals - a Scary thought

Simplify Your Life {Week Six: Goal Setting and Priorities} another challenge. I thought I was kinda a goal girl but here I am finding out that my goals are just a day to day thing - I just don't look out that far - but maybe that is a goal in itself - plan more than today - I have decided go about this with a daily log and set very small goals with a tracking system - I also am going for a monthly goals system.
Here is the Monthly chart I will be using is from Julie Ann Art - monthly goal sheet.

My monthly goals are:
1) 15 minutes of exercise each day all 7 of them! Hopefully working up to longer more vigorous exercise.
2) reviewing a Bible verse each day and quiet time with God.
3) eating more healthy home meals rather than going out - this benefits health and finances.
4) deep cleaning and organizing an area of the house per month, SIMPLIFY
5) Me time - which probably means creating, reading, napping what ever I feel like!!

Daily I am going to use this chart I created.

If you would like to enjoy this chart - that is fine - Please just be christian and give credit where credit is do - in other words Thou shall not steal.

I plan to have a cute little binder and will try to do my best to fill this out each day - using the back or each sheet as a place to journal or jot notes plus I can multi-task use this as a journaling life project also. I have not gotten the cover done yet - as I had the off the wall idea to simplify my craft room and it is now in scary chaos and I really need to complete that before any project - so I will post that later.

I am really enjoying this 52-weeks-to-simplify-your-life challenge - it is opening me to a much calmer Melanie. I like that - Come join me!!

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    Catching up

    Well after a little vaca of a girlz getaway I am back to the challenge at Home Life Simplified. I really struggled with the Week 3 Challenge - Mission Statement. Floundering around - I think I have decided that I have struggled because I had this idea it should be something profound and new. But I found myself coming back to week two and the core values. These values are my mission statement. So I am re-posting Week 2 and I feel very comfortable with this as my mission statement.

    The journaling goes like this:

    I believe God made each of us special with our own qualities
    -so let them shine.
    I believe in family - my family is my everything
    -life begins and ends with family
    I believe we are all created equal
    - we all smile - we all hurt.
    I believe in love
    - love is what started it all - it makes us exist
    I believe in living - you only get one life
    - experience it.

    I will do my best to live my values.

    On to Week 4 Challenge - Wheel of Life

    This was not quite so challenging - actually quite refreshing - but I felt compelled to look forward and set goals to what I want to work towards. Am excited to print and frame this for my mom cave and use it as a visual goal.

    My areas are Faith, Family, Health, Create, Finances, Experience, Learn, and Simplify. Some of them I am very sure of and some over lap each other and are hazy. I realize my goal is a lopsided but I am being realistic and realizing the finances in this society are just going to be a constant struggle - but I hope to make them better and not stressful. This was such a enlightening  activity!!

    I am loving this challenge - come find yourself at